Action - the amount of money wagered by a player during a playing session. In poker, the placing of money into the pot.
Active - one who is still in the pot.
Anchor - the player sitting in the last position on a Blackjack table before the dealer. This is the person who makes the final decision, thereby anchoring the game.
Ante - a term usually used in poker to refer to the first money wagered on a hand, or the minimum amount that each player is required to put into the pot before a new hand can begin.
Any Craps - a one-roll dice bet covering the 2, 3, or 12.
Any Seven - a one-roll dice bet covering any 7.
Baccarat - a card game where the winning hand totals closest to 9 discounting all units of 10.
Bankroll - the total amount of money a player has for a gaming session.
Bar the 12 - in craps, makes the 12 a push on the Don't Pass Bar.
Base - area on the dice table where the majority of bets are made and paid.
Base Dealer - dice dealer in charge of one of the bases.
Basic Strategy - the mathematically correct way to play Blackjack in order to maximize your advantage.
Bet - wager or gamble
Betting Limits - the minimum and maximum that can be wagered on one bet.
Betting Right - betting on the Pass Line or with the shooter.
Betting Wrong - betting on the Don't Pass Line or against the shooter.
Blackjack - a card game where the player tries to beat the dealer by getting closest to 21 without going over. Also known as 21.
Blackjack Hand - a hand whose first two cards total 21.
Blind Bet - a bet that certain poker players are required to make as a result of their betting position.
Bluff - in poker, players bluff when raising a weak hand in the hope of driving out players with a stronger hand.
Box - in craps, the area of the dice table controlled by the boxman, where the center bets are placed.
Boxcars - in Craps, when you roll two sixes.
Boxman - the casino dealer in charge of the craps table.
Bring-in - in seven-card stud poker, this is the mandatory bet made by the player with the lowest upcard in the first round of betting.
Bump - to raise.
Bust - to exceed 21 in Blackjack, making it a losing hand. Also known as break.